Why to Learn Python? Here are the Top 10 Reasons to Learn Python in 2022

5 min readDec 10, 2021

If you are planning to learn or move your career in coding, it is the best time to brush up your skills in this amazing programming language – Python.

The demand for python programming is rapidly increasing all over the globe. Do you know why? Solely because of its enormous usage and widely accepted scores. Python is among one of the top and highly popular programming languages.

According to the TIOBE Index for March 2021, python programming is excessively rising in between the top 50 programming languages, and it also holds the fourth position in the overall list with the ratings of 10.31%.

The amazing features of this programming language have made it the first choice of new learners.

It has already spread its wings in the vast growing fields like Data Modeling, Data Analysis, AI (Artificial Intelligence), Computer Graphics and many more.

What is python programming?

Python is an open-source programming language which makes it easy to read and use among dozens of developers around the world.

It is a general-purpose language that can be implemented in a large variety of projects.

How is it developed?

Python was initially developed in the late 1980s by Guido Van Rossum and released in 1991. Since then, different versions of Python have been introduced, and designed to be highly extensible.

So, if you are the one who also wishes and wants to make a career in the relevant fields of python programming, here are the major top 10 reasons that will make you consider learning this coding language.

Top 10 reasons to learn Python in 2022

1. Pays and salary

When applying for any job or profession, the most common thing that clicks to your mind is how much you are going to earn and make a living, right? So, with the recent demand of Python in the engineers' and developers' industries you can earn high salaries with your effective skills of programming.

According to Indeed, the average salary of a Python Developer is around $109,980 per year with a cash bonus of $5000 per year in the United States. There are also other different fields for instance; Software Developer, Data Scientist, Data Analyst, and others which provide extremely great salaries for Python Programmers.

2. Simplified syntax for easy reading and learning of python

The programming in Python is much simpler and easily executable as compared to other programming languages. Python has English-like syntax which makes it readability and learning scores easy even for the beginners. It is considered as one of the easiest and simplest languages to read, write, and learn.

Python was designed in a manner that the programmers don’t have to deal with complex syntax, and lengthy coding while making and keeping the coding as simple as possible.

Like to print “Hello, world”, you have to provide a simple line of coding in Python unlike other languages where you have to code three to four lines for printing the same.

3. High-demand language and developers

The more companies are shifting day-to-day towards this language and that is why the desirability for Python Programmers are huge in command.

It is a versatile language which is widely accepted in almost every programming and development area. The well-known industries like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Amazon, Google, NASA have built-in Python. Due to its excessive and tons of scalable features, the language is in high-demand along with its Developers.

4. Diverse and useful library

Whether to perform complex mathematical functions like arrays and matrices, or to solve high-level scientific operations or analysis, Python has a vast variety of useful and extensive libraries which makes your calculations and operations get solved in the most simple mode. Some of the Python library includes:

  • NumPy
  • SciPy
  • Scikit-learn
  • Pandas
  • TensorFlow
  • Kera

This library offers a bunch of modules for integration and optimization for constructing different frameworks and machine learning.

5. Relative automated testing in python

The tools and libraries in Python have made the execution and validation of different ideas for testing frameworks more easy and accessible. The engineers or programmers using Python, don’t need to hassle about running a compiler to convert the coding for the execution of any particular system.

The numerous testing frameworks which Python consists of help in debugging and gearing up functions. Some of the highly used test frameworks for Python test automation includes Robot, PyTest, Nose2, Testify, and Lettuce.

6. Scripting and automation in python

Scripting in programming languages is complex and time-consuming. Python provides a collection of commands designed in a way to do scripting in possible minimum time. The scripting languages don’t need compilation and are interpreted instantly.

In Python, less coding is required which the machine will read, interpret along with the checking errors. You can also use the error-free code multiple times.

7. Graphics and data visualization in python

Another super reason to learn Python is that it offers various tools for creating and developing appealing data visualizations. The customized and interactive presentations also assist businesses to create an effective and eye-catching presence in any particular field.

With the help of Python language, Data Visualization has become easy and quick to create. You can represent, and extract data or information for better understanding through different elements like pie charts, countplot, boxplot, bar charts, heatmap, and much more. Some of the specific and popular library Python offers for data visualization are:

  • Matplotlib
  • Pandas
  • Plotly
  • Seaborn

8. Easy web development process

Everyone is familiar with the word ‘web’ around the globe and as it is increasing, there is always development taking place every hour regarding the web industry and Python is the most commonly and tremendously used programming language in web development.

Python provides different choices for web-oriented frameworks which are equally important in creating any website. The different web framework in python includes:

  • Flask
  • Pyramid
  • Bottle
  • TurboGears
  • CherryPy

By using these web frameworks, it is easy to develop and create secure, clean, and maintainable websites.

9. Multitasking using python

Python is not bound to do only a single task which means you can perform multiple tasks by using it in many ways. The abundant nature for creating and developing different elements makes it stand out among other languages.

You can do data analysis and create different web applications using frameworks like Flask, Django, Pyramid. The modules like NumPy, SciPy, and Pandas which will help you to do mathematical, technical and scientific calculations.

Moreover, it supports the compatibility to do scripting and automation for your files, and functions in your daily workflows.

10. Well-known operative community

As Python is an open-source language, the organizations and communities are continuously working towards making new progress and broadening of the language.

Python has a large community of programmers and developers that are ever ready to solve the problems of coding, compiler errors, setting up the environment, data science, etc.

Well, there you got your reasons to start learning Python!

To conclude, Python is already flowing as the top most language in the programming world and now it depends on you what programming language you want to learn and shine in that area.

